Photo via Steelton-Highspire United
I have personally seen a rapid decline in community involvement over the past twenty years, and this isn’t just in the borough but in the churches and organizations that make up our town. This has been happening for far more years then the twenty years I have observed.
For years, studies have shown this decline and have blamed many of the changes in society in the last 100 years, from the inventions of the radio, television, and internet, to the changes in the family structure from a primary breadwinner to duel income families with less free time to actively participate in the community.
Whatever the reason for this decline we need to find new ways to engage the community to become more involved with what is happening in the borough and interacting with each other. I have a strong belief that when people connect with each other they discover that their goals and interests are connected to the goals and interests of their neighbors. This brings everyone together and gives the community a common identity and sense of common responsibility for one another. We are a little town with a big heart and we need to strengthen our bonds with one another to move Steelton forward.
I am sure we can discover solutions to the problems that financially and socially challenge our community by working together and strengthening bonds with each other in the process.
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